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作者: 贺新星   发布时间:2018年12月20日



On December 17 afternoon, 2018, Yizhi Middle School organized an activity about spoken English whose theme is My Spoken English Is Great. A simple afternoon became special, because of such a wonderful contest.

The contestants are elites from each class. The contest is a way to check students’ work on the twelve lessons in this term. The students prepared for it before a week and everyone valued it.

Some students were very nervous and excited, because it is the first time for most of the students to take part in such a contest. Some people might forget their lines, but I believe they must have tried their best.

And the English teachers of Grade 9 attended the exam, and took the role of judges. During the exam, students were getting more and more relaxed, they began to enjoy the process of their own speeches and applauded for others.

     At the end of the exam, everyone was glad. The exam finished in laughter, let’s expect the students’ good results.

20181217日下午,益智中学九年级举行了以“My Spoken English Is Great.主题的英语口语比赛,年级组的六名英语老师担任此次评委。此次比赛旨在营造一个良好的英语学习氛围,鼓励学生开口读英语、大胆秀英语。比赛过程中,选手们有的冷静认真,有的幽默风趣,有的激情昂扬。一句句流利的英文无不引起观众的强烈共鸣,一段段纯正的发音无不引起大家的热烈掌声。最终,114许越程等十位同学荣获“口语明星”称号。


附:口语明星:C114 许越程 C118 周浴崙 C110 彭宣期

C118 彭也卓 C118 赵戴佳人 C118 翁馨钰 C114 陈慕瑶 C113 廖婕嫣 C112 李之雯 C118 余有仪


英文撰稿112班周瑾  指导老师贺新星   中文撰稿 贺新星





